Monday, November 12, 2012

Setting the Bar

Right isn't always easy, popular or painless - but it is always right.

I spent the last two years in a relationship, trying to recover from setting my initial bar way too low...allowing myslef to be convinced by my partner (and, often, by myself) that things would get better.  And they did.  For six weeks here and two months there. Then, inevitably, things would go back to looking like they did in the days of "bar set too low."  Increasingly, our conflict was over these "new" expectations.  It seems you can't re-establish your bottom line - you can't re-set your bar.

Then something interesting happened.

After a year and a half of conflict and abuse, after an engagment and the breaking of an engagment, after many, many (almost) breakups....things started to get better.  Like, a lot better.  And you know what's funny about that??  It didn't matter anymore.  Too much damage had been done.  Too much trust had been lost.  Too much pain had been inflicted.  I had seen, heard and felt too much to go back.  So, at the time that our relationship was the best it had ever been....we ended it.

I guess that makes me single again.

-Just Another Blogger-

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